A warm welcome to
Nairobi Baptist Church

A Warm Welcome

Welcome to Nairobi Baptist Church (NBC). A worshipping community of the Lord Jesus Christ that is advancing the kingdom of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our Vision

Christ-centred Church; Strong Families; Transformed Nations.

Our Mission

A worshipping community of the Lord Jesus Christ that is advancing the kingdom of God through the power of the Holy Spirit​​

Our 2024 Theme

"14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere."
2nd Corinthians 2:14-15

Rev. Munengi Mulandi

Events & News


Bible Reading Plan

Join Us

A worshipping community of the Lord Jesus Christ that is advancing the kingdom of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.


NBC Ngong Road

Sunday- 10.00A.M - 12 Noon
Thursday - 6.00P.M - 7.30P.M
Location: Along Ngong Road behind Daystar University

NBC Ongata Rongai

Sunday- 10.00A.M - 12 Noon
Location: On Acacia rd. 1.1KM off Magadi Rd. Ongata Rongai

NBC Kibera

Ignite: 8.00 - 9.30 A.m
Sunday School- 8.00-9.30 A.m
Family-10.00 - 12.00 Noon
Location: 100M from Olympic Stage, Kibera

NBC Westlands

Sunday- 10A.M-11:45A.M
Thursday - 6.00P.M - 7.30P.M
Location: Farasi Lane Primary school, Lower Kabete Road

NBC Kikuyu

Friday: Prayer Service(6:30PM-7:30PM)
Saturday: Collagers Service(5:30-7.00P.M)
Location: Thogoto, Kihunguro

NBC Kitengela

Prayer Service:Every Friday 6.30p.m - 7:30pm
English Service - 9:30am - 12:00pm (Blended -English and Swahili) Sunday School runs concurrently with the service
Youth Bible Study - Sartudays 7pm - 8pm
Location: Portland Sports Club, Kitengela

contact Us Today!

Feel free to call us, visit our premise or write to us. Thank you


Ngong Road, adjacent to Daystar University

Phone/ Mobile

+254 709 486 400/ + 254 720 430 335

