“Jesus the Lord of our Money”

Formation & Mandate

The company was formed on 23rd October 2015 with 31 company members.  Within the company members is a board of 7 directors who assist in the running of the company.

NBC Investments Ltd (NBCI) is a company limited by guarantee through which Nairobi Baptist Church (NBC) seeks to maximize use of its assets and undertake certain investments as mandated under its constitution.

Our vision & mission


To make a contribution inspired by the Holy Spirit to the religious, social, economic and cultural life of people.


To expand God’s kingdom through investments and proper management of the income generating assets of Nairobi Baptist Church (NBC).

Our Core Values

  1. Integrity-Have the quality of being honest and show a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values, using the Bible as a guideline.
  2. Effectiveness & Efficiency-Be effective by doing the right thing and efficient by doing the thing right through the power of the Holy spirit.
  3. Team Work- Together Everyone Achieves More
  4. Time Management-The six P formula ‘Proper Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance’
  5. Community- Contribute to the welfare of the community.

Our projects

Sophia Maina
Operations and General Admin Manager
Duke Simi
contact us

+254 748-824-684
