Nairobi Baptist Church was founded in 1958 by a group of 20 people made of Africans, Asians and Europeans who took local initiatives and covenant to form a congregation of born-again believers of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, They identified and responded to the need for local congregation of open membership. This membership was based on personal Christian faith and drawn from society’s multi-ethnic groups. The church placed and has continued to have a deliberate emphasis on expository ministry of the Word. The initial fellowship began at the Gospel Furthering Fellowship in Eastleigh, Moved to United Kenya Club and later to Arboretum before purchase of the Ngong Road site in 1960 where the Church hall and Bethel Sanctuary were constructed. Various ministries began then among them Choir and youth ministries were refreshing in their time as they are now. We thank God for giving the church the privilege of pioneering ministry initiatives in the City
Senior Pastors in this period:
1959-1969: Rev. Tom Houston
1970-1974: Rev. Gottfreid Osei-Mensah
1974-1978: Rev. Dr. Roy Clements
The Church was blessed with a community of God’s people who sought the Lord in prayer and diligence to the Scripture hence building on the foundation. Young Adults fellowship and Couples Fellowships and home group fellowships were epic in these years. The Church’s structure was transformed with the formation of Ministry Boards and building the pastoral team to cater for the growth.
In this season, Buruburu Baptist Church, Kileleshwa Community Church (now known as Killeleshwa Covenant Church) and Karen Community Church were birthed. In 1998, NBC commissioned Pastor Oscar Muriu and his family to replant and revitalize Plymouth Brethren Church that later became Nairobi Chapel.
Senior Pastors in this period:
1978-1981: Rev. Dr. Michael Eaton
1981-1992: Rev. Mutava Musyimi
1993… : Rev. John Gichinga
A season of blossoming of the ministries and exponential growth in the Home Group Fellowships. Chemi Chemi ya Uzima was set up as a mission clinic and several years later a second mission clinic was set up in Dima, Kwale County. The Church grew into new areas of ministry. In this season, the church plants under a new dispensation, where church plants become part of the network of Nairobi Baptist Church’s were planted. These are NBC Ongata Rongai, NBC Kibera, NBC Westlands, NBC Kikuyu and NBC Kitengela.
Partnerships with other churches such as Park Community in Chicago and East Mains Baptist Church in Scotland opened up. We continue to strive to be a worshipping Community of the Lord Jesus Christ that is advancing the kingdom of God through the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Senior Pastors in this period:
…-2007: Rev. John Gichinga
2008 – 2014: Rev. George Shiramba
2014 – 2020: Rev. Calisto Odede
2020 -To Date: Rev. Munengi Mulandi.